Accentuating the Positive: April 2022

Five joyful experiences amongst the slumps

Natalie B. Kemp
3 min readMay 2, 2022
Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash

I was still in a bit of a slump when the month started, but despite a pretty brutal rejection right at the end of the month I do think this may have been my most joy-filled month of the year so far. Here’s five highlights:

1. Angela’s birthday

My good pal Angela celebrated her birthday this month with two outdoor excursions. First a small group of us met up for a really lovely and somewhat challenging morning hike, and then in the afternoon more folks met up for a nice walk by the lake. We ate doughnuts, had great conversations, and got some fresh air — truly a wonderful way to celebrate a wonderful person!

2. Fitz Egg Hunt

After two years of having to cancel due to Covid I was thrilled to be able to help organize my neighbourhood’s annual egg hunt. Not only was I helping with prep and behind-the-scenes tasks, but I got to channel my loud and enthusiastic outdoor educator energy as the facilitator for the main event.

3. Neighbourhood clean-up

An eight year old in my neighbourhood decided to organize a clean-up to celebrate Earth Day. To make it more engaging she got prizes donated by local businesses and made it into…



Natalie B. Kemp

Community enthusiast and outdoor educator, passionate about connecting with people of all ages and helping them to connect with nature.